Cashew Cream Cheese

October 12, 2012


This stuff is really simple, just an extra step on top of yoghurt making. I found a recipe on a blog I like,, which was originally a recipe by Miyoko Schinner, who has written a book on vegan cheesemaking. Yay! Want. Even though I bought the Uncheese Cookbook ages ago and never use it. Still want. Sigh. 

So all you do is soak some (about a cup) cashew nuts in water for a while, blend them up til they’re as creamy as you can get em, then add a pinch of salt, and a tablespoon of yoghurt, then let the mixture sit for anywhere between 8 and 24 hours depending on how warm it is where you are. I left it for 24 hours cos it’s a bit chilly here right now. 

It’s good! I’m not as enthused as Vegan Mom about it, I don’t think it’s very much like dairy cream cheese, or even Tofutti. But I ate it this morning with jam on white toast, and was pretty pleased with that, so pleased that I had it again two hours later. It has the fatty creaminess that I really want in my life quite a lot, so I think I’ll be making it again. And of course it gets mad points for being super wholefoody, probiotic and vegan-proteiny, while seeming super decadent.